Sunday, 14 September 2008

Fort Relics

-Located at the South-West angle of the Fort, this is the first chapel uilt in Penang and the first recorded service which took place was the marriage of Francis Light's widow, Martina Rozells, to John Timmer

-Built in 1811, formerly used as a barracks to house a company of European artillery and later to cell rooms.

~Gunpowder Magazine~
-Constructed in 1814, located at the north-west bastion of the fort and it was used the store explosive. It was designed to minimize the damaged caused by an explosion.

~Seri Rambai Cannon~
-This cannon was presented to the Sultan of Johore by the Dutch. However, it was later given to Acheh, and installed at Kuala Selangor. Finally this cannon was seized by the British and installed here at the north-west bastion of the fort in 1871.

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